London meets Bollywood
My day began before 6AM this morning (round of applause, please) and, bleary eyed and not at all bushy tailed I made it to Wembley on (wait for it)... the 5-stops-train. Finally. Boom, pre-8AM-Jenny.
I had planned to sleep on the way there, but the man next to me had seemingly decided to recreate his own nightclub on the train to Waterloo and, whilst at the time I was pretty narked at Britney for keeping on 'dancing til the world ends', knowing my sleeping ability, I probably would have slept through all of the train changes, so it's probably a good job that he was such a loud Ms. Spears fan.
I arrived at Wembley to discover that pre-8AM-Jenny wasn't as on form as I had thought and, although I had remembered to charge my camera battery, I'd forgotten the memory card. Again. Hello, dinner-time dash to a Wembley camera shop after Argos and their ''only available for home delivery'' memory cards failed me.
Today I mopped for:
Men's doubles semi-final: Y. Cai & HF. Fu (China) vs. KK. Koo & BH. Tan (Malaysia)
Today we went for, not only the synchronised mop (insert ooh-ing and ahh-ing here), but also the mop after the match had ended, so we had to go off court and then go back on again, which was very exciting and involved walking very quickly backed by some super-cheesy music.
After our match, we went up to the stands to watch the remaining games of the session. After a brief (particularly deep) dilemma this morning consisting of Canadians speak English, I speak English, Russians speak Russian, I speak (albeit very bad) Russian, I decided that I was on Team Russia (сборной России- yey for language geekiness and dual language keyboards!), so I was very happy when they won their match. Potentially not as happy as I was when Denmark won theirs, though. Although supporting Denmark in a stand full of Koreans was minorly awkward...
We then went back to the stands in the afternoon (making it a 2-0 victory to the FOP Team on entering the stands today) to watch China play a lot of very impressive badminton and to hear their national anthem on repeat. In the women's singles final red-shirted-yellow-shoed-Chinese-girl beat yellow-shirted-red-shoed-Chinese-girl, confirming my point that it is really all about the yellow shoes. After the match, red-shirted-yellow-shoed-Chinese-girl put her medal around the neck of her coach, which was super-cute, and her coach was Zhang 'physio-replacement-leg-strapper-upper-for-retired-player-from-bronze-medal-player-match' Ning, which was a super-exciting blast from the past (even if her rather too big Team China top did make her look slghtly more basketball than badminton).

For the women's doubles final, the Japanese national team came and sat infront of us. Courtesy of their lesson, I now have two words in my Japanese vocabulary (oh, and I can say 'hello gorgeous' in Korean, just for the record). The Japanese lost, but it was a really close match and their team were fantastic to watch: they would start off sat up normally, lean forward as the rally went on, and then either jump back in their chair (if they lost the rally) or jump up out of their seats (if they won the rally). They were happy to take pictures with us, too, and we were out of uniform, so the camera came out... (until I encountered camera problem #2 and it ran out of battery).
After the matches we went out for tea at an Indian restaurant with some of the line judges and managed to gatecrash what seemed to be both a wedding and a 21st birthday party. This called for some interesting dancing and, for us anyway, Jess Ennis, Greg Rutherford and Mo Farah all won to a Bollywood/ Nicki Minaj/ Katy Perry mash-up of ''the best hits, playing all night''.
I made it safely back home (after a somewhat bizarre train journey during which a man in leather pants with ribbons asked the question ''do I have too much glitter on my face?'') and I am now just about to go to sleep ready for another very early morning tomorrow. Woop *sarcasm* woop.
However, seeing as it was the women's doubles final today, I will leave you with these:
Guess what I found?!
Olympic spot of the day: Zhang 'beat Gail and Natan in Athens' Bo in the Ibis car park
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