Well, as thousands of athletes left Great Britain, I followed suit and I'm currently in Germany staying with an absolutely lovely family and having lots of degree-related fun. Much to the ginger's delight, the 39°C temperatures of two weeks ago have now seemingly come to an end, and I am now able to venture outside without being armed with litres of sun cream and looking more (interesting gardening tan lines aside) like an at least half-normal member of society than an overheated red-headed lobster.
However, even in the midst of my zip-lining Klassenfahrt and spontaneous quarter-marathon adventures, I have managed to achieve something truly monumental. No, I have neither beaten Lin Dan nor sprinted faster than Usain Bolt...
...I have checked my emails!
And, my inbox contained something even more exciting than spam messages offering me an iPhone 4/ quick weight loss tips/ £1,000,000 for being 1,000,000th visitor to www.thereisnowaythatieveropenedthispage.com.
It contained a 100% LOCOG-approved-legitimate email entering me into a ballot to be one of 9,000 Olympic volunteers to attend the athlete's parade through the streets of London on Monday 10th.
To cut the long story short... checking emails brings prizes and the Games Maker uniform is getting another outing in a couple of days. The Mopper is obviously extremely excited about this.
However, as always, the Mopper's transport adventures continue and she is due to fly back with Lufthansa on Sunday. Due to their recent striking keen-ness, this is obviously quite a tense situation as to whether or not I will actually successfully make it back into the country by Monday. Lufthansa, you have been warned. Don't you dare.
Also, to the Queen, Princes William and Harry and to Kate Middleton, I have a reserved place on the Mall (I believe that this is your royal version of what us commoners would normally refer to as a front drive), so I would really quite appreciate it if you put in an appearance. Just saying...